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Your next favorite restaurant is here.Nomwell makes it easy to find the restaurants you'll love. It was created because the best restaurant advice comes from people you know and trust. Keep track of recommendations from friends, share your own favorite places, and discover which spots are loved by your inner circle.
Already have a list of restaurants in a notes app or a spreadsheet? You can **automatically import** it, including the notes. (It'll be like your old list, but on steroids.)
You can also: - Create your own “Best Of” lists for brunches, date spots, neighborhoods - any theme really - and then share them with friends- Discover new recommendations from the people you trust using Explore Friends' Spots- Map and filter your spots, so deciding what restaurant to go next will never be difficult again- If you're in Chicago, check out the recommendation lists from food experts at!
With a pocketful of trustworthy recommendations, deciding which awesome place to go next is a piece of cake (pun intended).